Passion Week 2019 | Thursday


Passion Week | Thursday

 Caroline Ellwood shares reflections from Matthew 26:20-35.Listen below or right click here to download.[audio m4a=""][/audio]


Family Ideas:

1) Read second part of ‘The Servant King’ from pages 291 to 292 of The Jesus Storybook Bible.2) Share a ‘Passover Meal’ together. Discuss what different parts of the meal represent (even if you are not having all parts of the meal).3) This is about remembering. As you share a meal together, remember what Jesus has done. Talk together about these things and thank Jesus for rescuing us.


Are you seeing God work through your life this week? Do you have a story to tell of His faithfulness, provision or guiding? We would love to hear from you! Email stories[at]


Passion Week 2019 | Good Friday


Passion Week 2019 | Wednesday