Joyful Generosity by Jenny Rodriguez

Hello Kings church family, today we want to share with you our experience and how God and the church has been a real blessing to our family. 

For some years now in my family we have had financial problems in which we have not been able to solve them because as some know, in 2018 our food business in kingston market stopped operating, because of the council’s decision to end the pop ups. 

In the same year the company in which I was working for more than 5 years decided to withdraw from the market because of the consequences of Brexit therefore we were affected in the family income and in the payment of our debts. Additionally in this same period we had to define our immigration status by applying for an indefinite residence and so 100% of the redundancy payment given to me by the company, was invested in this status process, leaving us once again with pending debts. After 3 months in search of work I received the proposal of a contract for a year and well due to our situation, I decided to accept it even though it meant they’ll be lower income.  And these weren’t enough to cover the debts.

In the following year seeing Miller applying to various jobs to improve income but without results, I found myself in need of looking for a second job in cleaning. I did this to try to maintain family expenses, and to support my husband so that he would not give up on pursuing a new job opportunity as he was deeply worried that no company was hiring him. 

During this time we remained our food business in some festivals, so with this income we would pay what we could most to our creditors, but we still remained in debt. Thanks to our relationship with God we could keep ourselves in faith and positive, praying for wisdom and prompt solution and always hoping and declaring that something better would come. 

During this journey the King church family was always supporting us and helped us maintain strong in faith. Having people around to talk to and pray over us was something we deeply needed as a family, we didn’t feel alone. 

By 2020 we had high expectations with the food business as we wanted to focus on catering and festivals, but unfortunately covid-19 really affected our plans, and I was still without a stable job. Mid quarantine I got the news from the company, where I was doing a consultation, that they were no longer able to continue with the projects I was contracted for. However, as a family we kept strong in faith and positive that our situation would take a turn for the better.

In one of the online connect group meetings, my despair was reflected as I had received a notification from the bank that same day that my debt was going to be passed to the recovery department, and this could affect our credit life in the country. After a few days my leader Ross and members of our connect group let us know that the church was generating a fund to support us in what they could for our debts and thus avoid any future situation. 

Today we want to thank the generosity of the church for having initiated a change in mine and my family’s financial life. The debt was paid in full and our minds have been cleared and weights are starting to lift off our shoulders. This is all because of God and the people in church that he has so greatly blessed us with in our life. Finally, with the support of every member of our connect group, we started our food business again from home and have been delivering all over the area with an amazing response from the Molesey community, so definitely our prayers have gotten an incredible response from God with this beautiful miracle.

So thank you God and thank you King’s Church for becoming our family!


Wisdom in Lockdown (Proverbs 13): Do you welcome honest feedback?


Where do I start? Praying for our church, the borough and the nations.