African Adventures - Andrew Smith
Thank you so much for your prayers and financial support for my recent trips.
On the October trip to Mozambique, we were stopped from crossing the border from Malawi into Mozambique, because of political unrest. Fortunately, the wheelchairs were already in Mozambique, so the local team distributed them. They had some help from our experts via Zoom and video calls. The CEOs of both charities decided that the trip should end, which was the wise decision. It is very interesting assessing the outcome of this trip. My view is that we all obeyed God’s calling and that was what was essential. Also, our calm and gracious demeanour at the border for the whole day was a testament to the immigration officers. We all found it quite draining emotionally. At one point we were out of Malawi and not officially in Mozambique and the immigration officers had our passports. This gave me a small understanding of being a refugee with no documentation!
I sensed that God wanted me to remain in Blantyre Malawi, until the end of thescheduled time on the Friday. I continued to stay at the hotel with my Kenyan friend Patrick, who left on Wednesday. During those few days we were involved in preaching and pastoral work, as well as discussing my upcoming trip to Kenya. As a result of our connections with a few local pastors, Patrick is organising a conferencein Blantyre for October this year to help about 50 pastors and bishops. Praise God for his plan for us to be in Blantyre at that time.
The 20-day trip in November and December to Kenya was fruitful, enjoyable and tiring. During the first week there was prison ministry in 4 towns and 8 prisons, where we spoke to about 1200 men, women and youth. These prisoners had either chosen to listen to us or had been selected by the Prison Officers. On each visit we had a team of four, including my friend Pastor Laurence who organised the visits. We were blessed with two younger men coming along to learn about the ministry and they will hopefully be taking the ministry forward. When I was speaking, my theme was ‘Freedom in Christ’, where I explained the need for us to give our lives to Jesus, as attending church did not make you a Christian. Praise God that about 590 gave their lives to Jesus. Then I continued the theme, by talking about the need for forgiving themselves for their guilt and shame through their crimes and receiving God’s peace. Praise God that nearly all the 1200 did this and you could see the peace and joy on their faces. Thanks to your generosity, we were able to give out 10 bibles, 56 boxes of soap to benefit about 2600 prisoners, 90 boxes of sanitary towels, 84 packets of children’s milk, children up to 5yrs stay with their mothers, and 80 large toilet rolls. All these gifts were gratefully received, especially by the women. One chaplain told us that some men had not had a soap wash for 2 months as no one had visited them!
During this ministry we had problems with our vehicle breaking down regularly, so travels times increased. On one occasion just after we had entered the prison the car stopped and then at another prison it wouldn’t start when we wanted to leave! God has a sense of humour. We were blessed with quick formalities when accessing all the prisons, which was an answer to prayer. The Officers in Charge of the prisons were really pleased to host us and requested that in future we speak to the prison warders too as they need the support. So, an expansion for the ministry next time.
Into the 2nd week, there was a three-day conference at Ndengelwa, involving people from 5 churches who are all part of Channels of Hope Ministries, which is led by Bishop Patrick. There were about 200 participants each day, learning about Possessing your Gates of Destiny from Isaiah 45v3. Patrick and I were the main speakers in a flexible timing of sessions, that I am accustomed to coping with. The teaching seemed to be well received, and the group discussions helped them to talk about implementing the potential outcomes. Many received prayer and ministry during the conference, either corporately or individually. Also, I was involved with pastoral work with some individuals and couples. One lady gave me a live chicken as a gift. I decided not to bring it home and requested her to keep it for me. It was lovely being able to relate again to so many people that I know.
Then there were 6 days of Youth Ministry, for about 220 aged 15-35, at three locations, including one overlooking Uganda. This was a new area of ministry for me, and I was excited to be able to pass on my knowledge and experience. My main sessions were linked to the Next Generation of Leaders, Serving Your Community, and Honouring One Another. Patrick taught about Intentionally Seeking God about Your Future, Being Set Free from Witchcraft and Sorcery, and Healing. Each group were fully focused and eager to learn and go forward. I was impressed with their willingness to serve different groups of people in their communities, such as the poor, homeless and elderly.
In relation to this, I challenged them to provide food for a meal for one poor family by bringing a few grains of rice or a few beans or a few groundnuts the following morning. They were so generous in helping those who were poorer than themselves. One group brought enough to feed to two families. Praise God.
Finally, on the Sundays I preached at three churches from Philippians 4:1-9. It was about Paul’s expectations for distinct groups of people in their responsibilities and walk with God. These churches are all part of Channel of Hope Ministries, and I knew or recognised many of the members. There were ministry times on these occasions. The last Sunday was on the outskirts of Nairobi.
There was a lot of travelling by car and this gave me opportunities to chat to and minister to whoever were my companions. When we stopped to buy food, provisions or stay in a hotel we used them to talk about Jesus and pray. When I was waiting to fly and during the flights, I was able to chat to other travellers and share with them about the various areas of ministry. Sometimes sharing the gospel or to encourage individuals through prayer. Thank you once again thank you for your support. I praise God for his presence, direction and faithfulness throughout the trip.
God bless you, Andrew